
Tuesday, May 04, 2010


If you could bottle
this night, it would smell of dead
alewife, moldy bread


The Scrybe said...

Fishy :)

fihanna said...

fermented and spread

Kay said...

Not a good night! But vivid descriptions!

human being said...

love it when lots of things are expressed through a few words or a very 'lonely' image...

then you can sit and imagine it all... tell a story for yourself...

hey Francis... just look at the wv:


was this your mood when writing this?

Francis Scudellari said...

@Scrybe Alewives occasionally wash up on the shore of Lake Michigan, and the smell isn't very pleasant.

@Hanna Good to see you!

@Kay I'll take vivid over good, at least when it comes to poetry ;).

@hb Me depressed? Never :).

human being said...

depression is not always bad... look at the earth... when it rains, the depressions are filled with water and you can jump over some of them... and swim or fish in some other...


Francis Scudellari said...

And to swim requires us to crawl back to shore, retracing our first steps. Such rebirth is always good for opening the eyes.

human being said...

wow! beautiful! that rebirth concept...

when we swim, we have several choices... we can return to the shore... we can get drowned... we can swim on and on to find a new land... what else?

when we fish, we have several choices... we can return the fish to its home... we can eat it... we can give or sell it to others to eat... what else?

when we read a poem we have several choices...
you know what they are... eh?
