The adjective Auric relates to gold, which is a little closer but not correct either. If there are any linguists out there, please let me know what the correct adjective form for "aura" is. I think I'm going to try to go back to more figurative illustrations, as these abstracts can be quite exhausting.

7 comments: gives the adjectival form as aural, but that's an etymology I'd take with a pinch of salt. My household etymologist says she's pretty sure you're going to have to stick to a prepositional phrase: "Spill of the Aura" may be a bit more direct than you want, but it's as grammatical as you're going to get, I think.
I like the picture!
I love the colors in this one, they are so vibrant. Very beautiful.
Sorry, can't help you with the linguistics of the word aura. :-)
@Raven Thanks for the help, and the compliment :). I want to use the line in a poem I'm working on, so I think I'm going to just use the noun form ... such as "his aura spills."
@Jane I needed a good color pick-me-up with the weather the way it is :).
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You're welcome!
If you're in present tense anyway, "aura spilling" might sound more like something flowing.
What I think is especially intriguing about this drawing is that the aura is branching out, as though there are three facets rather than one solid lump of being. The colors retain their same positioning, yet the aura sections off into separate tangents. Individual aspects that refuse to give up the whole, perhaps.
@Raven I like that, but I need to see how it fits rhythmically ... thanks again.
@Susan That's much deeper than even I thought of it. It's an interesting interpretation, and one I'll have to ponder for a little while :).
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