
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

He pleads

He pleads wicked wants
the willing locked in strong box
Love's a deaf-mute lass
She bites his shilling and mocks
glassy stares of disint'rest

Week one of NaPoWriMo concludes, as ReadWritePoem suggests love, funny side up. The task was to write a tanka on an amusing encounter. My personal experiences with romance don't lend themselves well to humor or poetry, so I went with a made-up bit of the twisted.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Great fun!

For a good site about tanka, and one that helps dispel the urban myth of syllable counting, try: tankaonline

all my best,
With Words


flaubert said...

Good one!

Shari Smothers said...

Francis, nicely done! I really like the rhythm.

Francis Scudellari said...

@Alan I like the syllable counts, just because it tends to rein me in, but I also realize I'm not writing a true tanka.

@Pamela Thanks... love's not any easy topic for me.

@Shari I often fare better with sound than subject ;)