
Friday, July 20, 2007

Thoughtfully thought of again

Deborah, my dear friend and colleague over at the Climate Of Our Future (COOF) blog, has passed along to me the Thoughtful Blogger Award. The honor is especially important to me because it comes from someone who is the epitome of thoughtfulness, as she created COOF out of a passionate concern for our environment, and that's a cause that touches each and all of us. I don't know if I can measure up to it but I will hold it close and grip it tightly, especially since she may not approve of my next post, which could prove so cantankerous as to make her wish to rescind the privilege.

The Thoughtful Blogger Award (as well as a few other variations) was created by Christy over at Writers Reviews. She lists there all of the details on how to propagate and display the award. To quote the author, the award is dedicated to the following bloggers:

For those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping others bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others.
I find myself in very good company at my alternate universe blog COOF, as the following were awarded this badge of kindness there: Lyn, Jeane, Karen, and Jackie. Not to mention the amazing Nina, who gave the award to Deborah and is the author of Alien Next Door, a very interesing site.

I look at my Caught In The Stream (CITS) self as the evil doppelganger to my COOF persona, so I don't know if I truly merit inclusion here. That self doubt is why I have resorted to a game of fetch with COOF, re-nominating those named there. Trying to offset my potential bad karma for not doing separate shout-outs from CITS I will also do a most thoughtful and inclusive all and nothing pronouncement: to all my readers, you are now deemed Thoughtful Award recipients ... take up the challenge and carry it forward.


ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

How could you look at your “Caught In The Stream (CITS) self as the evil doppelganger” when your artistic self lives here! Beneath the surface water, ever so slowly amid your analytical Political posts and kind reminders about our Environment, there is your creativity gasping for air. And whence you finally let this side of you emerge, your fluid pen is a fountain of fluent thoughts streaming about imaginatively with baited humor. Take it back, take calling the Readers, Caught In The Stream (CITS) - your evil doppelganger. Edit, delete!

Francis Scudellari said...

It is only to instruct with irony and humor that I demean my CITS self. The COOF me is kinder and gentler, but the CITS me is definitely more fun. I fully embrace CITS, no fear there, but it is Evil in a world where George W Bush is considered on the side of Good.

Anonymous said...

I have never disapproved of your writing style my friend nor do I ever wish to. Your creativity is one that leaves me in awe.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks ... but inspiring awe is very close to being awful :).

Jennifer Jones said...

You are soooooooo deserving of this lovely award!

You bring such a strength of goodness to this world and to my life!

Blessings to you my friend,


Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks so much Jennifer. I really appreciate the kind words and support.