
Friday, April 02, 2010

Repeated, I Worm

A decomposer
of brutish sins oft
repeated, I worm
past the pretty germs
shut tight in candied
shells, bursting to birth
untapped corruptions.
It's on the sawdust
dollops buried deep
I feed, biting bits
from soiled skins riddled
by regrets of not
offending good more.
Turning their oaken
flavors o'er gently,
my mouth will work them
down to a relish
of soft, black leavings.

This is my second NaPoWriMo contribution. The good folks at are providing prompts for the entire month. They suggested using an acronym, but I've always been more partial to anagrams. I fed "Read Write Poem" into my favorite online scrambler and found "Repeated, I Worm" to my liking.


flaubert said...

Oh how I love this:
"Turning their oaken
flavors o'er gently,
my mouth will work them
down to a relish
of soft, black leavings."

Ana said...

great start: a decompser of brutish sins oft it,great images

Jenny said...

A nice flow and there is a worming (!) rhythm here.

I put my name in one of those "anagram machines". These were my favorite suggestions:

Scone Jenny Nosh
Con Sense Johnny
Cos Hens Jenny No



Francis Scudellari said...

@Flaubert Thanks, we'll see if I can keep it up for the next 4 weeks...

@Ana Metaphysical vermicomposting :).

@Jenny I think I like the first best. My anagram name is Lucifer's Cardinals, which I'm quite proud of.

Unknown said...

I liked this too, Francis. A rich scramble.