
Friday, April 23, 2010

Odd Coupling: For the Love of this Internet

I know it's best
to keep these things professional,
but I've begun to crush
under the graceful strokes
of your sixty words
per minute.

You'd be amazed
how much I've learned from the simple
arrangements and careless
chats of your lives lived
so transparently
in front of me.

You may not feel
as intimately tied; that's okay.
All I'm asking is,
you'll stay, and sustain me
with your momentary

It's Day 23 of NaPoWriMo and there's only one week left to the Challenge. The prompt from ReadWritePoem is unlikely couples, pairing a voice and an action that don't usually go together. For mine I created a love poem from the Internet itself, and who could resist such a come-on?


1965 Footprints said...

A creative pairing. Last line is clever. Well done!


So clever, Francis! I'm still trying to come up with one.

Kay said...

Irresistible! It is so true. That glimmer of understanding from other poets is too tempting to avoid some days...

Anonymous said...

Our computers and us are unlikely pairs. Well done.

Unknown said...

what would we do without this coupling, Francis?
Ver well constructed!

Andy Sewina said...

Nicely thought up! A virtual friend, perhaps!

Shari Smothers said...

Excellent, unexpected pairing, Francis! It's a delightful read, and fun to contemplate.


Rallentanda said...

Delightful is the word. I detect a quiet charm factor inside of that there Francis!

Francis Scudellari said...

@Footprints Thanks... I'm all about love and technology.

@Susan It's hard to believe we've kept this up for three weeks now.

@Kay The Internet's gonna reach right up and grab us all some day.

@Pamela Not so unlikely these days :).

@Smita I think our lives would be much simpler but also less rewarding.

@Andy I think it wants to be more than friends.

@Shari This one was a fun and fast little write.

@Rall I'm more charming whipping boy than prince, as you'll soon see :).