
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie

The pearl slapdash of the moon is on the water.

It won't linger there long, so drink up and take back
your legs from wavering's pumpkin lip, before they slip
and are lost in a slurp of mucky goodbyes.

The ruby blush of the sun is on your shoulder.

It will fade with a mounting calm, unless you dive in
and cast off the dither of wormy squirm's pout.
Afterward we'll sip, now is the time for devout swims.

The Day 13 NaPoWriMo prompt from ReadWritePoem is Smoke a Dubie. The challenge was to use a line from a poem by Norman Dubie to light the fire of inspiration. I used, "The pearl slapdash of the moon is on the water."


Unknown said...

Hi Francis,

Intriguing imagery and nice rhyming here.

Anonymous said...

A fun answer to the prompt!

flaubert said...

You wrote to this prompt so well!

human being said...

carpe diem, eh?

my favorite line:

The ruby blush of the sun is on your shoulder

so tender...

Francis Scudellari said...

@Derrick I've been getting carried away with puns and rhyming lately.

@poemblaze Thanks... it was fun to write.

@Pamela The Dubie line set the right tone.

@hb No time like the present ;). I'm glad that line stands up to the Norman Dubie line I patterned it after.