
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Topsy turvy

This drawing, originally inspired by the fourth chapter of my story Belly (see below), began life as a body on an examining table but matured into something else. Perhaps shed skin cast off on bedding, or floating on waves. As always, I'd love to hear what you see.


Anonymous said...

Hi, looks like the reflection of someone floating on a raft in a pool... sans bathing suit :)

Jena Isle said...

It looks like there's a naked person , relaxing and someone seated beside her. The person's legs are crossed that is why it depicts relaxation.

Way to go, Francis, brilliant as ever

Anonymous said...

Looks like copulation to me.

Francis Scudellari said...

@AvidReader That pesky nudity :). After it was done, it did look like someone paddling out on the surf to me.

@Jena I don't know about brilliant, but I'll take the compliment :).

@Cooper I'm not sure what he would be copulating with ... a mattress or an imaginary friend? Not a good image to conjure.

Laura Brown said...

I see someone swimming in water with rocks and waves. Probably in some big river, but not a lake or the ocean.

Mark said...

Aslan atop the altar, dead and shaved.

Janna said...

I see a lot of laundry that I should have done a long time ago....
And the guilt that comes from not having it done yet.

Francis Scudellari said...

@Laura That's what I see too ... or maybe he's an Olympic swimmer in a pool :).

@Mark I'm not up on my Narnia mythology, but I like the allusion.

@Janna I've learned to look past piles of dirty laundry.