
Saturday, August 02, 2008

Belly: Chapter Four

by Francis Scudellari

"What do you hear?


"More than one?"

"Yes … usually two. They're clearly different."

"Are they male or female?"

"Two men … I think. But it's hard to tell. They whisper."

"Are they speaking to you?"

"No … at least not yet. They only speak to each other."

"Is it a running dialogue?"

"I think so."

"Can you make out what they're saying?"

"I can hear the words, but they don't always make sense to me. They're only pieces of something much larger. It's as if I'm eavesdropping on a conversation that continues on later without me."

"Are the voices friendly?"

"They're not hostile, and they seem to tolerate each other. But I wouldn't say friendly, no. They're more dispassionate than anything. It's as if they're dissecting a corpse on an examining table."

"Are you the corpse? Are they talking about you?"

"Yes … perhaps … I don't know. Would that be good or bad?"

"It's neither good nor bad. I'm just trying to understand."

"So am I …"


Jena Isle said...

This story is going somewhere now. I like the dialogue, very succinct.

Perhaps he's in a psychiatric session?

Way to go, Francis. I like how you always leave the rest to our imagination. Brilliant!

Unknown said...

Very imaginative - something thought provoking packed into a funny disguise - hmmm

Francis Scudellari said...

@Jena I'm never sure if I'm leaving out too much information, so it's very good to hear that the ideas are getting across.

@Petra I have many disguises :).

Black Cat said...

Oooooo, this is eerie and a bit scary - I must go back and get the whole story (I only met you through Doodle Week but I'm so glad I did:)).

Thank you so much for your comment on my latest humble effort. I would never have attempted so much doodling if it hadn't been for the positive encouragement of the great people in the blogosphere:) xxx

Fiendish said...


The strange, disconnected nature of the story format echoes the atmosphere of the story contect perfectly. I am hugely intrigued. I can imagine reading this on paper, with the proper spacing, and being hooked.

Francis Scudellari said...

@BC I wouldn't have started drawing either without the encouragement of friends in the material and virtual worlds, so I'm happy to encourage talent wherever I see it. I'm glad to have met you too :).

@Fiendish Thanks much. A good artist friend always tells me that we need to work within our limitations, and I think I'm beginning to understand what he means.

Davidlind said...

I feel sad for people who cannot be alone inside their heads. We all need a little privacy. And suggesting to this person that he is a dead person on a table seems to me to be sort of cruel.

Francis Scudellari said...

@David I agree, but sometimes fate has other plans ... and they can be a bit cruel. Plus, the corpse reference is Jonah's description of his own feelings.