By Francis Scudellari
My body taut, in full-fingered stretch up
Toward dim-lit corners, raised fore-seeking
Traces of glyphs, "to be" chiseled, unknown
Hands future feeling pulled by ideas
Unnamed, thoughts not yet formed, glistening tips
Craned to hear cryptic words, spoken only
Later, echoed in tomorrow's daydreams,
Hopes etched as memories, not yet lived
My heart beaten, a full-blooded convert
Soaking up foreign energies, red streamed
Emotion pulsing through unseen beds turns
Light to matter, in macabre dance, fluid
Embraces, shadow kissed lips elicit
Bursts of wished-for affection, happiness
Captured in negative, reverse outlines,
A smile-framed photo, not yet developed
My mind undone, to full exposure points
Outward, far reaches traveling essence
Spread thin, unfurling in twisted channels
Still uncut, searches unsightly sources,
Finds perverse illumination
Breathing in notions uncharted, sensing
New life synthesized from untold tales, old
Characters in stories, not yet written
My soul unpaired, in full-throated song calls
Forth partnered static, bellows-like beckons,
Exhaling sparked, spirited barbs meaning
To attract motes floating into beams uncast,
Homeless fellow dust specks wanting rays, paths
Shimmered down earthward, revealing in common
Our fate: heliotropes lacking a sun,
All striving toward starlight, not yet born
My body taut, in full-fingered stretch up
Toward dim-lit corners, raised fore-seeking
Traces of glyphs, "to be" chiseled, unknown
Hands future feeling pulled by ideas
Unnamed, thoughts not yet formed, glistening tips
Craned to hear cryptic words, spoken only
Later, echoed in tomorrow's daydreams,
Hopes etched as memories, not yet lived
My heart beaten, a full-blooded convert
Soaking up foreign energies, red streamed
Emotion pulsing through unseen beds turns
Light to matter, in macabre dance, fluid
Embraces, shadow kissed lips elicit
Bursts of wished-for affection, happiness
Captured in negative, reverse outlines,
A smile-framed photo, not yet developed
My mind undone, to full exposure points
Outward, far reaches traveling essence
Spread thin, unfurling in twisted channels
Still uncut, searches unsightly sources,
Finds perverse illumination
Breathing in notions uncharted, sensing
New life synthesized from untold tales, old
Characters in stories, not yet written
My soul unpaired, in full-throated song calls
Forth partnered static, bellows-like beckons,
Exhaling sparked, spirited barbs meaning
To attract motes floating into beams uncast,
Homeless fellow dust specks wanting rays, paths
Shimmered down earthward, revealing in common
Our fate: heliotropes lacking a sun,
All striving toward starlight, not yet born
"heliotropes lacking a sun"
beh, ma il tuo heliotropes è chino perchè sente l'acqua sotterranea..
hai capito il nesso?
Liken your captivating poetic words and this vulnerable tree, the Winter sure does bring the depths of your creative side to the surface, baring your soul for all to enjoy.
Ciao Hanna,
That's an interesting theory, but I think they need both water and sun. One nourishes the body and the other the spirit. :)
Thanks Michelle! Winter's turned particularly bitter this weekend, so we'll see what affect that has.
nether water = secret, sublime thoughts, tantalize philosophy, rarely, different....
"the sun works for all, but not all funktion to the sun"
Hanna, I agree completely. What I'm trying to describe is the feeling of being drawn toward a sun that's hidden or doesn't yet exist. Pulled by forces that one day may emerge but right now can only be imagined. I like the idea of being fed by secret, underground streams too ... that may be a future poem ;).
I have translate my mind
Bravo Francis. Well done. A style unique unto oneself...excellent.
I'll need to study so I can start writing in Italian also. I'm sure the verses would sound and feel quite different.
Thanks JD. It was a piece that sapped a lot of my energy. Sometimes I get a wee bit ambitious in my intentions.
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