
Saturday, December 04, 2010

I take a secret pleasure in being disabused of my fonder illusions

It was
put a bow on it pretty,
our democracy
with its polka-dot accountability
and its tissue-paper truths.

The discount-bin card arrived
separately, postage due,
and with a punctilious script
it promised us
a curlicued freedom from
antiquated forms of expression.

Our very love was
ceremoniously given,
but was it
ever right-
fully ours?

Let’s render up the flattering
notion of own,
as it's grown so fatty
lipped it wears a perpetual pout.

The gift was merely Caesar’s
grandiloquent concession
tagged liberally,
“To: Us,
a meekly over-entertained many
whose we, drained of meaning,
poses no coherent threat.”

Not yet.


shadowgrey said...

Small account of big truth of our life in democracy

--Sudhindra K

Anonymous said...

love your words of wisdom.
masterful poetry.
keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Glad to Land at your magical poetry land today,
How are you?

Love your poetry talent, Please join us at Jingle Poetry Monday potluck tonight,
First time participants can link in 1 to 3 old poems, poems unrelated to our theme are welcome!

Sign in to follow our blog so that you are kept informed about our updates.
Happy Sunday/Monday,
Hope to see you in.

Olivia said...

Very well crafted..!!
keep Writing My Dear.. :)