
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Willing, but

Upgraded spirit
is coded as "willing, but"
His machine is weak


human being said...

each machine has got a unique logic... and capacity... why not respecting it?

Francis Scudellari said...

I wonder about that. When all machines become interconnected, as they're rapidly moving toward, will a meta-consciousness develop that governs them all, or will they still be individual minds? The tension between individual-collective consciousness is at the heart of all we do as a society, and I think it's related to the human-divine duality that many of our myths try to reconcile.

human being said...

i cannot prove it scientifically but my intuition (and it's got its own logic) tells me in the long run this same duality will happen with the machines too... they develop both a collective and an individual consciousness...

this tension between these two is what makes us human after all... without it, we were animals... or angels (if you believe in them)...

this fight... and then - in a maturer level - this journey to establish a balance between the two is what makes us human...

unfortunately those who are in power, do not let this happen because the individual consciousness is against their benefits....

take for example the theme of satan in religions... if we analyze religious myths and stories, we come to know that satan is the same as prometheus... bringing knowledge... the power to discern between good and evil... to man... appearance of satan means we have developed a will... this is the stage of maturity in man's individual/social being...

if we are taught since childhood to face our inner needs and those of the society correctly, then we will be better human beings...
but what do we have all the time?
force... fear... a guilt complex... retaliation... punishment...

really love the way you think...

our future is entangled with machines... what you brought up is very important... i should learn more on this subject...
thanks for sharing your thoughts with us...

manik sharma said...

fantastic lines....
i read hb's enlightening comment..and i feel that we as children were deprived of the REAL itself has become a business or may i say a machine itself....takes in input..
gives output....has requirements...and the worse part...limitations....

as satan was mentioned here..i have little objective knowledge...but analogous in our culture..the one thing that i do agree that evil was born only because good stopped breathing ...

human being said...

thanks manik for reading me... i don't hide it that i really get excited when people read me...

look... you're educated in the same system... but you CHOOSE to keep your individuality... your own way of questioning the world... to follow your own path... you are searching...

so this shows individual people CAN avoid being a cog in a wheel of this machine...

and in your own turn you can impress others to think more... to be willing to accept their responsibility as a human being...
(and i believe you are doing it)

this is just people need more...
see how a very short poem by Francis started this flow of thoughts...
this is real art!

people usually tend not to think... to be followers... they feel safer to be 'dissolved' in a leader or a system... to obey the codes without thinking... why?
because choice... free will... brings responsibility with itself...
and just when we accept this responsibility we are mature...

and i really respect you as a young man as i see how mature you are....

yes... evil is just when we don't know, when we know, everything is light...


wv is kurma
i like to read it karma

Francis Scudellari said...

@hb I think you're right, but if Artificial Intelligence does arise it will likely be something other than human. It may even be able to achieve the balance between collective/individual consciousness that we humans never could.

The Biblical interpretation of the serpent (and the punishment of Prometheus) always struck me as strange. Why would the quest for knowledge and understanding be portrayed as evil? You're right, it's because it threatens those in power. Openness of heart, mind and spirit are the keys to evolution and progress.

I like to write about this theme of man's entanglement with computers. I've written a few pieces about it, and I hope to finish a short story touching on the topic.

@Manik Your observation about education is very astute. The key is instilling inquisitiveness. We as a society do a very poor job of that these days. Human Being's right that most people become intellectually lazy, and just want others to make decisions and take responsibility for them, even though they protest a desire for freedom. Without the ability to understand your full range of options, you can have no freedom.

human being said...

a short story! wow!
i look forward to reading it... especially now that i understood about your optimistic attitude... you say artificial intelligence can even achieve that balance...

because it is pure logic? then how can we just tolerate it?

because it is not mislead by emotions like us? then how does it grow and evolve? this growth should not be dialectic then... eh?

perhaps emotions do exist... just they are acting in a different plane... sublimated...

you know... most of the stories on this subject illustrate a kind of dystopia... so bleak...

and when all the world is mind... and mind is thoughts... and thoughts are energy, then a positive take can affect our future...

ah... it may seem so naive... but it is true!
you believe in domino effect, don't you?

go on and write your story and change the future of mankind, Francis...

i'm serious!