For the
Doodle Week Day 3 theme of
doodle animal, I chose to sketch my pet pug Albert. Not that Albert would ever pose, but he let me examine his expressions long enough to capture that special look of sadness mixed with indignation. I'm not sure what happened to his right paw, but it seems to have swelled up on the journey between real life and my brain. Oh, and he's not really blue.
cosa ho detto?
Tu Francis dovresti disegnare per i libri "dementi" dei bambini!
Potresti fare una fortuna!
Not again.
An animal facing forwards with its front legs crossed. Now where have I seen that before?
Coincidences are funny things aren't they?
ALbert is furry cute!
Very cute drawing, I like too much this dog.
@hanna I don't know if I'd make a fortune, but a demented children's book sounds perfect for me :).
@mark The truth is that Claire is controlling all of our minds. We have no free will during Doodle Week. Just sit back and allow the ideas to come to you, it's all preordained.
@kimo & sabi He's very cat friendly too :).
@fran I like the the real one too much too, that's why he's so spoiled.
Just love your style.
I like the eyes. Along with the crossed legs he looks kind of sad and wise.
Of course I am controlling your minds :)
But you have resisted my control and drawn something excellent again.
@jakill Thanks! I'm just getting the hang of things :).
@laura The real Albert isn't so wise, but he's got one of the most expressive dog faces I've ever seen.
@claire I think you let down your guard when the tiger attacked. Keep trying ... the flower theme may trip me up.
@alison Thanks!
Gorgeous! I always admire your work, your drawing is as always very unique!
Now he's a cute pooch ... doodle or otherwise.
@shearyadi Thanks, I was a little worried it was going to be a little too unique.
@littleredplanet Albert thanks you, and I can't argue the point.
Lol, love door neighbors have twin pugs, too cute.
Thanks Bob. There's something about a pug that seems to make everyone smile. I'm not sure if it's their happy-go-lucky nature or the odd appearance. They're endlessly entertaining.
I love this one, it reminds me of my pug "Mega Bite", that I miss so much and have left in the US. I will soon reunite with my snoring pug. Great doodles throughout the week BTW. You by far have the most intriguing art on most blogs I've encountered.
Thanks Charles. Pugs are definitely endearing little creatures, and I can imagine you'll be glad to see Mega Bite again. I'll have to do a drawing of my other pug Lucy at some point. As to the art ... I just need to find a way to market the drawings some how, and then they'll justify the time I put into them :).
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