
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Basking in my blogged biography

My dear friend and fellow thinker/artist/writer/blogger Hanna has done me the inestimable honor of presenting a short retrospective of my life and work on her site. For those of you who, like me, prefer to boil everything down to the bare essentials, this is the perfect way to get acquainted. It's a kind of Cliffs Notes to yours truly.

Get up to speed here: Ti presento un amico americano

Of course, you'll need to be able to read Italian to understand it, but I'm here to help translate anything you can't on your own ... just leave the troublesome passage in this post's comments. I'll return to my regular programming once I've finished basking in the glow of your attention.


Anonymous said...

That was awesome. A bio along with critique.

I love this particular self portrait btw.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks Cooper. She surprised me quite a bit when I went to her blog and saw it. The self-portrait has grown on me as well :).

fihanna said...

Beh Francis!
....he didn't want her to have pleased the agent, and to see her subjected to his embrace made Marcello suffer as if facing an intolerable desecration...
non sono sicura se copiare i tuoi disegni non sia una dissacrazione!
mi urta qualunque occhio le guardi senz'apprezzare

Jena Isle said...

That was a wonderful idea. You are a great blogger.

Francis Scudellari said...

@hanna I appreciate the thought and effort of the post, no matter how many view it or appreciate it. I draw because I enjoy it, and if anyone else likes what they see that's a great bonus.

@jena I'm not sure that I'm a very effective blogger, but I'll gladly accept the tag "great" :).

fihanna said...

lo so,
trovi godimento nel dipingere...
si vede!
idillio puro,
gran artista, uno geniale..
sarà che ti faranno un monumento dopo morto...
nessun genio è apprezzato da vivo ;) è un clichè ma è anche verissimo..
see U..

Charles Sapp said...

You know Francis, I am quite surprised that you haven't been showcased sooner. Your work has never tired and the tremendous thoughtfulness in the creativity never ceases to amaze. I am very glad to see that your work is recognized. Again keep up the great work with your multi-talents!

Francis Scudellari said...

@Hanna I want my monument now, not after my death when I can't see it ;).

@Charles Thanks. If only I could make a living from it, I'd be able to do it full time ... unfortunately my work "work" has gotten busy and I can't post as much. Safe travels back to the US!

Max Coutinho said...

Hey Francis,

My name is Max and I am coming through Hanna (who spoke wonders of you in her post)!

I am curious to see more about your art; so I will be back for more :)!

I wish you a blessed weekend!


Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks Max, I'll add you to my blog roll so that I can regularly visit your site as well. I'm hoping to have a new site up soon which will make it easier to peruse all my drawings and poems.