
Sunday, February 17, 2008

My seven wanders


fihanna said...

Adoro il Tuo mondo fatto dei dipinti astratti.
Veramente eccezionale!
E' le figure vere che le dipingi male.
Che cosa significa?

Francis Scudellari said...

What's the significance of the drawing, or the fact that my more abstract renderings are more interesting? This one is just the number 7 come to life. I think I see the world of the commonplace in different, twisted ways.

fihanna said...

bravo Francis!
c'è modo di fare ritratti moooooolto geniale e interessante,
ma Tu sei fatto solo per figure "twisted ways"
è il Tuo genere...
questa me la copio!!!grazie

Francis Scudellari said...

Hanna, you're always welcome to copy what you like.

Bola said...

Hi Francis,Love the artwork,what is it or what does it represent?

Francis Scudellari said...

Hi Bola,
It's good to hear from you again. This drawing was mostly just a doodle. I was trying to use the number 7 to create something interesting to me. The figure is just what evolved from my staring at the lines for a long time.