
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fruitful picking

I've been working on my poem "Oranges for Three Loves," and what started out the very simple seed of an idea has blossomed into something a bit over-grown. The plan is to present it in four parts, the first of which I finished the first draft of today. It will likely require some more pruning, but I think it's shaping up.

Oranges for Three Loves
By Francis Scudellari

I. Picked Night

To steal a-way: three oranges for love
he was instructed by cackling voices
over time become vague though sharply plucked
and sealed in wide-mouthed, boyish memory

So, this picked night, he stalks storybook rows
of stubby trees that squat stacked in a maze
pulled straight by tender hands to hide riddles --
a patchwork of endlessly seamed sameness

Aided by a sickle moon's pointed glance,
he hasty harvests three waxy-lit fruit;
The feather-leafed branch loosed, snapping skyward
As juicy hope drops neatly in his pouch


zorlone said...


This is awesome! Clever title and even more brilliant poem! Can't wait to read the sequel.

I wonder what happens next...


Jena Isle said...

Hi Francis,

Brilliant poem. Where do the words come from? Happy blog hopping.

Francis Scudellari said...

@Zorlone Many thanks... I'm glad you like it. I just posted Part II, and will have the last two parts up before the end of next week.

@Jena I honestly don't know where they come from, but I'm happy when they show up.