Conceived by JD at The Uneasy Supplicant and Mike at Mr. Grudge, it's a badge of honor binding those writers whose dedication to their craft takes them on journeys beyond the normal bounds of measured time. You can read a much more eloquent description of the society and its members here. I'm extremely flattered that JD and Mike included me in this.
I've written the following poem to commemorate the occasion, and am looking forward to sharing this badge with the host of wonderful writers and poets whose sites I happen across in my regular nocturnal wanderings through the blogosphere.
Midnight Wander
By Francis Scudellari
I touched, after midnight, wander
Raised from open eyed sleep, beckoned
Forth by icy unknown, digits
Pointing, scratched tips on knobby spine,
Nail-mapped pathways, scribbled ciphers
To guide my self-meand'ring steps
I feel, finger-forward, stumble
Into moonlit mists, mythic shrouds
Wrapping murmur-voiced brooks, watered
Cautions against too light led sight,
My long, lashed lids pulled down close, knit
To cloak seemed truth, trickling above
I kneel, with pair handed cup, down
Spade the black, wormed soil overturn,
Unearth tangled roots, topped plants gone,
Clearing shallow, seed softened bed
Where my thoughts can seep home, returned
To walk, once more in-waking dreams
Hi Francis,
Your poem here reflects the reasons why this society exists, and it is beautifully written. Thank you for your kind words. Also, together, we are going to continue to strive for writing excellence in the blogging world. Thanks again, Francis, for the terrific poem. -Mike
Hi Mike,
Thanks to you and JD for creating the S of MW and inviting me to participate. It's definitely a nice motivator to write at a high level, and keep up with my fellow members.
Truly wonderful and an impressive work of art! You have done us proud my friend. I will echo Mike's words... "together, we are going to continue to strive for writing excellence in the blogging world." I will add that having you aboard exemplifies what excellence in writing is all about. Again, Francis, thank you. My brain is feverishly working on how to showcase this excellent poem. I'll touch base with you through BlogCatalog messenger tomorrow and bounce some ideas off of you.
Take care.
Thanks much JD. I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to come up with a fitting poem. Definitely give me a buzz and we can talk about how to use it. Maybe it's worth having a separate MW page to showcase member posts?
"I touched, after midnight, wander"
Man alive - that really nails it - in more ways than one. I am constantlyamazed at the art you so creatively create.
Comgrats on the invite to a prestigious ensemble. Your expertise and artisticness will serve to enhance their august standing.
FrAnCiS! You rock!
Thanks gsgf. The amazement and rocking is mutual.
Vivid and very creative. You never cease to amaze me with your talents.
Thanks 1verse. I'm equally amazed with your writing, so I really appreciate the compliment.
We're in the same family now! Cool beans! I think what Mike and JD are doing is really great and I can't wait to see how it grows.
Best Wishes,
Hi Lisa,
It is cool, and I'm in great company. I think there's wonderful potential for some big things to come out of it.
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