
Monday, September 28, 2009

A quick note: Bye, Bye Entrecard

If you aren't familiar with what Entrecard is, you can stop reading beyond this sentence. If you are, then please continue.

For those of you who visit this blog solely to "drop" your cards, I have some bad news. In the next couple days I'll be removing the widget. Most of you probably won't even read this post, so it won't matter. I added the widget as a way to build traffic to this site, but I always had mixed feelings about that situation.

I've met some very interesting and worthwhile bloggers through the service, but it's gotten to the point now that most of the traffic I receive from it is "artificial" and therefore meaningless to me. No matter how much it inflates my numbers, there's no point in attracting visitors who neither care about nor read what I actually post.

If you are one of those who visit in appreciation of the actual content, I thank you. I've tried to add as many of you as I can to my Google reader, and I'll keep tabs on you through it.

There's also Twitter, which is a much more useful tool to building traffic, in my opinion. If you have an account there, please let me know and I'll gladly follow you.


Jennifer said...

I've been thinking the same thing myself. Please keep up with Networked Blogs -- it's one of the few ways I keep up with blogs these days. And maybe I'll rethink Twitter as a way to let people know what's going on in the blog (and as a way of finding out what is going on in the blogs I enjoy).

Victoria said...

I too have been thinking about this. Just the time it takes me to drop everyday and all the people that just stop by just to drop there cards, I'm not sure if it's worth it anymore either.

Anonymous said...

Francis - you're right - it's time for all of us to go. . . I've been following 'caught in the stream' for a long time and will continue to do so. . .

Francis Scudellari said...

@Jennifer I'll definitely be checking Networked blogs. Twitter can be useful, but it's also easy to lose track of posts there too. RSS feeds seem to be the best option.

@3Fates I agree completely. The time I was taking to drop was time I wasn't writing, so I'd rather spend my time on that.

@Koe Thanks so much, and I'm definitely continuing to follow Half Life.