
Friday, February 20, 2009

Sorry for the silence ...

I've been swamped with work trying to get out the latest issue of The Urban Coaster, which is the community newspaper I help publish. Now that it's officially on its way to the newsstands of my neighborhood, I can press ahead with my other commitments

I should have both a drawing and a poem ready for you in the next couple days.


Dave King said...

We've all been there. See you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Francis...going through the same thing. Today is the first time in two weeks where I can find the time to post to my own site and to visit. Have a great weekend my friend.

Francis Scudellari said...

@Dave Real life does have a way of superseding blog-related activities doesn't it :).

@JD I'm off to check out the latest from your blog now. Have a great weekend too!