
Thursday, April 05, 2012

National Poetry Month: It was that kind of night

As National Poetry Month rolls on, I'd like to share a poem by my friend Christine Flores-Cozza. Among her many talents, Chris is also a musician. For me, the best songs have always been poetry put to music, and the best lyricists as big an influence as any poet. After soaking in the atmosphere of her poem, go check out some of Chris's music at ReverbNation.

It was that kind of night

Snared like smoke circles trapped in sunrays-feeling like the undead.
I’ll take a dozen cold ones to freeze-frame and re-affirm my humanity.
Then hammer my meanness into the streets and boulevards, boulevards and avenues
Like kerosene and matches and lightening lighting.
I wear the wind in smoke and mirrors hidden in the eloquent sun confusing you.
Warn and dusty; age the aggressive invader of beauty fading.
If I had a dollar I would smoke it… Maybe you have seen me in the early dawn?
It was that kind of night.

-Ccozza 6-3-11

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