
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

National Poetry Month: Immersed in Word

For National Poetry Month, I'll be highlighting some of my favorite poetry sites. (I meant to get started sooner, but life has a way of getting in the way sometimes...). First up, is Immersed in Word, a poetry blog by Kay Tracy. Kay is currently posting entries from her new book Garage Sale. What I enjoy most about these pieces, little jewels of memory, is how even the very shortest of them carries me back to a different place and time, fraught with the emotions of those moments. The sparer the piece, the more my imagination tries to fill in the surrounding details, and that's what I love in a poem. I'm lucky enough to have a copy of this beautifully put-together book, thanks to Kay, and I highly encourage you to click the link above and see how you can purchase one.

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