
Saturday, February 05, 2011

A wink and a nod

I'm a willful blink rushing to its close
but a few languid lashes lag to break
the black line and savor their fractured pose


Jon said...

Interesting how it's a bit playful. Almost like the wink and the gun, but more inquisitive and less soaked with machismo.

human being said...

life is all about what we see before that "close"... fractures are always helpful! :)

this beautiful gem is one of your best, Francis... a far-fetched image working on several levels... so condense... so deep... so meditative!

Francis Scudellari said...

@Jon I'm glad the playfulness came through. Machismo is something my words usually lack.

@hb Some rush to the close, some try to push it off, and some (maybe most) try to rush and push at the same time.