
Monday, April 21, 2008

Time-weighted words

By Francis Scudellari

Time-weighted words trail off,
Questions strung out …
Who's dangled on hooked lines,
Thought's push pulled taut
Endless how's break,
Plumbed possibility
Scatters, drops-in
Shimmering bits of if
Spectacled snow
Floats down to sightless sea
Where dusted, detritus
Silently mixed
At murky depths, my why's
Collected then
Too-sifted now, a what
Best left buried


GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD said...

Killer. Absolute killer. Note all the words are both definitive - and fantasy - what versus if for instance. Very clever!

NathanKP said...

Very nice poem. I enjoyed reading it.

NathanKP - Inkweaver Review

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks gsgf. I'm usually too clever for my own good :).

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks Nathan. I aim to please, and people should definitely check out your site for some interesting book reviews.

Elise B. said...

Yep, it's a dog breed. I guess I just need to rephrase it so other people realize what it is...

I hope to edit my story some more, so that it makes mores sense. The story I turned in was a pretty rough draft, because that's what it was supposed to be... not perfect, so I don't know why some people seemed to think they needed to tell me that my story was imperfect and unfinished.

I'll probably post the story sometime, but I'm worried about people stealing... is that something someone would do?

Francis Scudellari said...


It hasn't happened to me yet (at least not that I know of), but I've definitely heard stories of bloggers stealing other people's materials. And there's not much you can do to stop it except send them nasty notes. Some folks are desperate for content and have no conscience.

Marmelade said...

"Shimmering bits of if"


Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks Marmelade ... that's actually my favorite line too, and it's the one that pulled the rest of the poem together.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of that though you might want to take precautions.

With all the work you have posted here, and I love this last piece particularly, you might want to be aware that others could easily stat going through it and taking bits and pieces of it.

Francis Scudellari said...

Yeah, I've been a bit trusting that people would leave me alone out of indifference. There are ways to watermark images, but I don't know how I could protect against theft of text.

Jena Isle said...

Good poem, mysterious and enchanting...happy blogging.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks Jena. Those are two adjectives I really like. Happy blogging to you too!

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Your art beckons the Poet in you, as your words paint images upon the canvas for our minds to relish and our hearts to forever cherish.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks Michelle ... your regular support has been a big inspiration to me as well.