
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dark sunshine's ooze


Charles Sapp said...

Excellent work Francis! Have you ever thought of putting all of your illustrations together as a collection? I really like the dimensions you put in your drawings. BTW, Morning Shower part I and II are great literary work. I like the flow of words that read very fluid like liquid.

Waterrose said...

Very cool illustrations. They rather mimic your poetry theme.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks so much Charles. The past 20 or so are in a single sketch book, so they're already a collection of a sort :). I wouldn't mind figuring out a way to package them with the associated poems, but my knowledge of the publishing industry is scant, and I'm awful at self promotion. Part of me also likes the idea of it all being free to view for whoever stumbles onto them here. It's hard to put a value on things in the digital age.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks waterrose. My process of late is to draw a visual that comes to me, and then build a poem based on its title. Sometimes I reverse it and try to marry the image to my words.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the words.

It gives me apocalyptic apprehension.

Francis Scudellari said...

Hi Cooper,
I'm feeling a bit apocalyptic myself, but the words are still in progress so maybe it won't turn out so bad :). I've had Earth Day on the mind lately.

Elise B. said...

Cool drawing! I really like it. Thanks for your comments on my blog. I enjoy getting them.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks Elsie. I'm always glad to leave a comment or two, and I'm looking forward to seeing your drawings as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Francis
I echo Charles comment. The Morning Shower Pt 1 & 2 are well written. He couldn't have said it better...both of them are fluid like water and sweep you away with deep meaning. Well done on them both and of course your excellent graphics.
Take care.

Francis Scudellari said...

Thanks JD. It's been taking much more time for me to put my poems together, and I don't know if that's because I'm more careful with them, or I'm in need of a break. It's good to get positive feedback. I think I may need to switch back to narrative so my words can flow a little more freely.

Elise B. said...

I'm not sure I could ever capture details like that again, it's been so long since I've drawn something so difficult! I've always been annoyed at how much my pencil strokes show, though, some people (you included), really keep it very smooth. That's cool, I just wish I could!
Have a great weekend.

Francis Scudellari said...

I have no doubt that if you kept at it you could produce some amazing stuff. As much as you appreciate mine, I'm equally impressed by yours. I think you have a great eye, and the image tells an interesting story too. I'm well on my way to a good weekend ... I hope the same for you :).

crpitt said...

I was thinking of Earth Day too when I saw this, then I noticed you just wrote that in one of your comments.

I am always impressed with how your visual pieces go with your wordy ones :)

Francis Scudellari said...

Hi Claire,

Thanks for the comment. It's alway nice to hear that I've impressed someone I'm a big fan of.

Lately I've been using the drawings to inspire lines in the poems, and that's worked out pretty well. Of course there are moments when I get stuck for an image ... like now :).

crpitt said...

I love the poetry as well as the images, I just don't like leaving half hearted comments like 'That's cool'.
So more often than not I go with silent appreciation, which is of no use to you :)

Francis Scudellari said...

Now that I have a verified report of the silent appreciation it does me much good :). I know what you mean about half-hearted comments ... I have the same stumbling block.