
Sunday, April 06, 2008



fihanna said...

che significa?

Fran said...

Our imagination has to function, right ?
About me, I feel that's a leaf from a weird tropical plant, but can be also our brain sometimes.
I love the colors you used, and I feel confused looking at that.

Francis Scudellari said...

Ciao Hanna,
Forse, non significa niente :). It's definitely open to interpretation and the significance, or lack thereof, rests in the eyes of the viewers.

Francis Scudellari said...

Hi Fran,
Yes, you definitely have to put your imagination to work with this one. I didn't intend it, but what I see in it is a butterfly. It's meant to be a bit confusing and ambiguous though, so I'm interested to know what others see. I'm glad you like the colors.

DubLiMan said...

As you may be aware, the Big Bang has eclipsed 735 sites, which is pretty amazing. I feel that the 1,000 site goal is very doable. If you haven’t updated your list in a while I would suggest doing so at, however, that is not the reason for leaving this comment.

I have launched 2 new sites that are “link-love” based, but emphasize quality over quantity.

I believe that everyone has something to be grateful for and/or something to complain about. If you would like to participate in what could eventually be bigger than the Big Bang, please follow the appropriate url and do so:

Anonymous said...

I too saw a butterfly at first and then for some reason it turned to an animal reading a book. Seriously.

Francis Scudellari said...

Hi Cooper,
That's awesome. Now I'm going to spend hours trying to see the same thing ;).