
Friday, May 30, 2008

Interactive Exercise

My last drawing (A votive extinguished) provoked some interesting interpretations, so Jena from Gewgaw Writings suggested that I let my readers name this next effort. Here's your chance to come up with a fitting moniker for my latest multi-colored, amorphous slab. After you've all had a go, I'll post the story behind the sketch, and we can compare my inspiration to your responses.


fihanna said...

here it ought to be Billy W.for say that's a heavenly orgy -

fihanna said...
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fihanna said...

terminal's sighs

Mark said...

Squeezing The Toothpaste

Francis Scudellari said...

I like and can see the appropriateness of both, but I'd have to give the edge to Terminal's Sighs.

Angela said...

"In The Garden Of Iris"

crpitt said...

The redundant torch.

fihanna said...

potrebbe essere anche un parlare pitagorico,
metempsicosi dell'antagonismo di soddisfare ogni dimensione virulenta..captcha-bhnlmjwf

Anonymous said...

The dementia praecox of Kant’s lunatic.

:-) Have a great weekend Francis!


Anonymous said...

I've obviously been spending too much time at, but what popped into my brain was "Nom Nom Nom."

Anonymous said...

I'm with terminal sighs...

Francis Scudellari said...

@Angel After drawing it, I also was seeing flowery bits.

@Claire I like that phrase, independent of the drawing. It would be a good band name. Or title for a poem. In fact, maybe I'll write a poem for each suggested name :).

@Hanna As I'll reveal later, the inspiration of the piece is very much related to language.

@JD That is by far the most original name of the bunch.

@Kelly Using the French usage of "nom" that could be very appropriate. A good LOLCats image can be pretty amusing.

@Robert I still like that one a lot too. I'll give folks a bit more time to chime in before I post my own title.

KCee said...

I'd say, "Speak no evil".

Have a great Sunday! :)

fihanna said...

Ah! interactive exercise....
this is a cry with dissolved echoes..

Jena Isle said...

Francis, I would like to apologize for coming in late. My internet connection went haywire early yesterday and it's only now that I could come on line again.

I saw the artwork earlier (before the outage) but I didn't want to post mine so early, lest I'll appear "dumb" (grins). But I would like to be honest anyhow with what I can perceive. I would name it " Life's Smoking Chances" (now, don't laugh). What I see are two burning cigarettes; the "user" not being able to stop the addiction ( a chain smoker) and therefore has given up hope for life. Do I sound too morbid?

On the brighter side , I would entitle it - " Life's Second Chances". I interpret the "curls" as smoke - "getting out" off one's system, exonerating one's own ghosts and addiction and starting life anew.

Thanks for accepting my suggestion. Now, I would not mind if I am way off the thoughts you had while drawing this work of art, as long as I gave it a try.

As usual, you gave us a mysterious and mind boggling work of art. Now I'm so curious of what it really is.

crpitt said...

Well it reminds me of passing the olympic torch, with a political twist, as it is no longer lit.

BillyWarhol said...

Did somebody say Orgazoooooooom!!

;)) Peace Folks!!

Francis Scudellari said...

@Hanna I like the phrase "dissolved echoes"

@Jena My description of what the drawing actually is won't be half as interesting as the description you and everyone else have written. I'll do a follow up post later tonight. Thanks for the idea ... it's proved a pretty interesting exercise :).

@Claire That would definitely be a topical reference ... but I'm much more shallow than that ;). Answers to come soon, but then I'm going to take each of the suggestions and do my own take on them.

@Billy I don't think I could do justice to a title like orgazoom. Peace back at you.

Jena Isle said...

Let me try again. I don't have the so much profundity in my thoughts, but allow me give one more title?
"Emblazoned Emblem". (The double E) or "Embers of Profundity" . I am not as gifted as you are.(grins)

Happy blogging.

crpitt said...

I knew I should of gone with a rude one! :)

Book Calendar said...

One conversation leads to the next to the next. Open your mouth and you give birth to ideas.

Francis Scudellari said...

@Jena Gifted or odd, I'm never sure which is more appropriate. I think my oddness is a gift though :). I think I'll use one of your suggested titles for a separate drawing and poem, and they can be the guest post you so graciously offered me on your Kalinga site.

@Claire You can never go wrong with rude, but that would have been more of a challenge for me to craft a poem around :).

@Charles As I'm fueled by reciprocity, I'll make use of those new ideas you very generous commenters have offered me.

Gregorio said...

I wouldn't dare try to come up with a name,but I would like to say I enjoy your sketches a lot.They are intriguing and delightfully abstract.
Take care. :)

Francis Scudellari said...

@Gregorio Thanks so much ... I'm quite fond of the paintings I've seen on your site as well. The naming exercise was a lot of fun (at least for me).

Anonymous said...

cypress in a storm