Can we achieve lasting peace in our social interactions if we haven't mastered our personal demons?
Is it possible to be inwardly tranquil when the world around us is falling apart?
The Medieval pseudo-science of Alchemy embodied a very artful metaphor in its quest to discover the philosopher's stone. This magical object represented the ideal of inner purity that just by touch could elevate baser metals such as lead to a higher, golden form. By an extending leap of logic, the person who achieved the wisdom of the ages could also transform all those contacted, allowing them to reach their full potential.
In practice, however, many of the men who pursued this Holy Grail grew so enrapt in their books and experiments that they shut themselves off from the outside world and were of no use to it. Retreating into themselves in the vain pursuit of perfection, their means became master to the end. Not wanting to act until confident of their abilities, they completely abandoned the stage.
There are stories as well at the other pole of experience, where persons devoted themselves entirely to a social cause at the expense of their self and sanity. Rushing out into the world, hoping to do good without a full understanding of how, it's easy to crash on the wave of misdirected good intentions; and there are plenty of organizations willing to misguide those youthful energies.
When our ideals fail us, it's tempting to seek out the solace of escape. The losing of one's religion often proves pretext to gaining the bad habit of withdrawal. There is a cautionary tale buried in our country's movement from the society-changing fervor of the 1960s to the drug-fueled excesses of the 1970s.
It's a quest in itself to find that fine balance between the needs of self and society; maintaining a sense of who we are as individuals while contributing to a cause greater than ourselves. American society has grown out of tune on both fronts. There's a schizophrenic disconnect between the things we believe and the things we do. Bridging that widening chasm is going to prove very difficult, but we can't shy away from the task.
As we collectively try to reconcile the slipping away of our ideals, we may find ourselves tempted to seek the peace of amnesia. As described in the song lyrics below, it's a false path that will lead us to oblivion rather than serenity.
To be continued ...
Drinker's Peace
by Guided by Voices
At times I wish I were dead
Busy people dancing all over my head
This I value with every move they make
Real bad headache with every step they take
I get a contact buzz
Can't remember what the problem was
I find it hard to even care
Life was too real until you got there
My life is dirt but you seem to make it cleaner
Reduce my felony to a misdemeanor
When I feel sick you're an antibiotic
Organize my world that was pointless and chaotic
I get a contact buzz
Can't remember what the problem was
I find it hard to even care
Life was too real until you got there
Great end to a stressful day. Thanks!
Um…what was I about to say? Oh yea, sorry – must have had a bout of amnesia there for a moment. Francis, I always admire the way you can cover so many vastly important areas in one single post. I now find myself in double-thought, being intrigued by the onset of your relevant questions and I want to learn more about the philosopher's stone. Yet, neither pondering nor sifting fool’s gold can pull me away from noting your concept on Peace. Agreeably, a ‘balance between self and society’ is definitely needed. Perhaps such can be achieved by doing as noted in your part one, “casting aside the withered ideologies of the past” and shedding “Idealism”.
Hi Courtney,
I'm glad my post made your day a little better. I hope the stress causers ease up soon. Thanks for sticking with my twisted way of looking at the world :).
Hi Michelle,
I'm never sure if my digressions into multiple subjects throw people off the main argument or not. Stick with me for the last post, as I'll try to draw some fuzzy conclusions out of the first three. There's always a little more pressure that comes with the final episode.
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